Saturday 22 February 2014

Bioengineering/ Chem Trails

 Bioengineering/ Chem Trails

 Your skies are being vastly altered from their original intended design. as a human being you are designed to be exposed to a certain number and percentage of elements and compounds which would be appropriate for your human vessel. if these ratios and elements are altered in the way in which they are being done today it will and IS causing great harm to your bodies and to your psyches. you do not yet realise this as the effects are slow to surface however in a month or two you will begin to see many severe cases of weather related illnesses begin to surface in your elderly and those with impaired immune systems. we are greatly saddened to see the great many of you suffer in silence as you are unaware of what is even happening within your lungs and respiratory systems. you are unaware of the calamities that have plagued your skies. and you are also blindly unaware as to who and what force is behind this plot to destroy the earths atmosphere at such a rate. 
this is what the topic will be today if you so wish. 
we intend to bring clarity and reveal the truths that have been suppressed regarding such topic. it is with haste that we bring this to you as time is limited and changes must be made to stop those who wish to continue their agenda. the great many of you will need to gather in numbers and bring this news to the attention of those who may be able to put an end to this calamity. do not feel hopeless as you are more powerful than any of these gangsters who have been strong-arming humanity and thrashing the good nature of this earth. you are strong in your hearts  and strong in your minds and this is what will topple the beast. the beast is merely a wizard of oz and will crumble under the pressure and awareness of the masses. the beast will be cowardly and escape for his own safety once the cat is out of the bag. he has been running the show for far too long and now the human tribe must gather to disassemble the great many churches and clubs and secret societies who all pay homage to this beast. he is alive due to the constant adoration he receives from his admiring followers. these followers are blind and under the complete control of masters. masters of a slave race designed to keep the beast alive and strong. we will continue to be as blunt as we can be as this my friends will be what is needed to awaken the dormant codes of which we speak of, the codes that have been designed to uplift you from the great sleep that has swept over the globe. 
in an effort to bring complete understanding to this situation it is our wish to give background and details prior to jumping right in and laying out all the facts and so on. 
we will offer as much detail as we can so as to assist others in the scope and full understanding of what is and has occurred. the plan to create a blanket of chem trails across your skies was put into motion as early as your year of 1983. it was discussed as a way to infiltrate the human biological system so as to weaken the immune system and create fear and paranoia. you see, when the masses are able to exist in a state of fear and paranoia, the engine that runs the system of dominatioan and control is fueled. their fuel is to frighten and to create states of panic and paranoia. they have invested years and years of research to create the most effective tactics to illicit this state of fear as they are directly linked in to the blood/ley lines of this planet via very advanced technology which enables them to reap the benefits of this energy and frequency transmission. the frequencies (of fear) are funneled if you will into a vast system of energetic tunnels which filter the energy into their engine. their fuel is greatly enhanced by the plot to destroy the skies and to create ill health through what is called chem trails or bioenegineering. it is but just one of their MANY tactics for running this engine. 

so the plan that was initiated and put into motion in your year of 1983 was in fact a plan that was going to be targeted for people who lived in rural areas so as not to create too much panic too fast. it was going to be a plan to create havoc in the skies over rural regions of the US. and then when technology was available they would broaden their scope and move their projects out into the more suburban regions of small cities until at last they were in full effect over the urban trenches of Los Angeles and New York. everything is meticulously planned so as to not miss a beat. all dates times locations and effects are recorded and passed on to the local teams who then report to their masters for distribution of such information. everything is accounted for. all medical records checked all food analyzed to see how much of the chemicals are making their way into the local stores for consumption and how much of the compounds are seeping into the soil and waterways. it is all accounted for. you can not underestimate the level at which these operations are detailed and planned. 
the people behind such atrocities are none other than your local authorities in conjunction with your local military and spy oprations teams. if you need more clarity on that it is just a matter of the guys at the top being in the know and advising the guys at the bottom to follow orders. many of the pilots are unaware of the truth of what is actually going on. however there a few pilots who know and they are the ones who keep a close eye on what is being revealed and what is being kept from the public eye. these groups are part of a massive organization of men and women who pay homage to the beast. their organizations have many front names. names such as the freemasons, the trilateral commission, the illuminati, the council on foreign relations, the knights of malta, the bilderberg group, the order of the czar, the knights of templar, the red cross, the ama, the cia, the fda, it is not only secret societies but many of these groups are right out in the open for all to see and for all to know about. many of these groups of men and women are under the impression that they are doing the 'right thing' and that is precisely the brilliance in their plans as many humans are so disillusioned that they will continue to serve this beast and be unaware that such a beast even exists. we can paint a picture of the famous pyramid and at the top you have the all seeing eye which we will call the beast...under the beast you have levels and layers of servants and slave races and archons and innocent humans and those who wish to live out the remaider of their lives without causing any waves. all of these persons who serve the beast are all helping on some level to further the many agendas. this picture should make it quite clear what is happening and who decides how it should happen. the higher you are toward the top of the pyramid the more you are able to know in terms of what the actual plan is. their is no remorse for human well being and absolutley no remorse for the natural kingdoms upon this planet. this planet is nearly a is where all the yummy morsels of action of energy are for this currrent time period. this beast desires to grow and expand and it will continue to desire to conquer more planets and build a stronger and more vast empire with each plan of attack. however, that being said, this planet is the most prized is the planet where most of the galactic nations and even most of the greater universes are paying attention to at this moment. this planet needs to succeed and win this battle due to the severity of what may happen if the dark forces are able to continue their reign ...that is why all of the representaives of true light and love have been repositioned and refocused upon this planet and all  the nations within this galaxy who have offered a hand of support and love are now  waiting on the sidelines for the next plan of attack as this battle is in full effect right NOW. we are at the finale or the crucifix of what has been planned and known about for eons and epochs of time. this is the turning point from dark to light and this is the time at which those who continue to chose to serve the dark or the false light will be systematically removed from position and replaced with willing volunteers. earth can suffer no more. humans have served their time and their time for this experience and experiment must be completed. they are to return to their original homes among the cosmos and some will decide to stay with the new and improved earth mother as she will be restored and she will be the new brithplace of the next human race to be incarnate here. the next human race will be the survivors of the light and dark wars. they will have the genetic makeup of more than 100 different races in their blueprint and they will all be recognized as true and sovereign warriors of their time. they will be able to travel to all stretches of this universe and beyond to help other races be freed from the forces of domination and control. but no more will the beast be allowed to incarnate within the system of earth. it will be against prime directive and will be a new structure of this universe. 
we would gladly like to  discuss the options that lie forth in regards to your many ways of combatting the ill effects of the chem trails. first and foremost you must remain in a state of nonfear and nonparanoia and nonpanic as this is their fuel. you must stand strong in your knowing that all will be well and within time the great many of you will gather to bring about great change. you must be strong and confident in your knowing that your body can heal and their are techniques and technologies available to you that can heal almost any ailment known to man. their are technologies available right now for very little money that can reverse the effects of cancer, aids, fungus, bacteria, all with the use of microcurrents and frequency emissions. There have been a few of your earthly  human tribe who have paved the way for the advancement of this technology and those have bravely had to face the threats of the beast and his malitia but they have persevered and their devices can be found all over the globe. 
we would also like to highly recommend the use of iodine and zeolites in your drinking water. these substances will nuetralize and expel your body of harsh chemicals and toxins. it is these toxins that are wreaking havoc on your must be proactive in your efforts to expel toxins and create healthy and strong immune systems. for your children and elderly we advise weekly epsom salt baths to gently release toxins as their systems are more fragile to the extreme effects of some of the other detoxes on the market. epsom salt baths are actually quite effective at expeling toxins and also nuetralizing the effects of negatively polarized entities who dwell within your subtle body layers and within your astral and etheric bodies. these entities do not cope well within the field created by the use of epsom or other salts. we advise the use of salts as much as possible to nuetralize those entities. this does not mean eating salt as much as possible but using it in your bath and even putting it as a poultice or bag attached to the base of your spine and the back of your neck. you can also place it at the bottoms of your feet. the bottoms of your feet are the places in which most of your toxins are routinely expelled. 
to those who are in the midst of fighting a battle with morgellans disease, we advise the use of apple cider vinegar and baking soda as a daily bath to nuetralize the bacteria. we would advise 2 parts acv and 1 part baking soda. please do this nightly depending on the severity of the disease. this desease is the number one most malicious effect from the chem trails that were being released back in the early half of the second millinium. they were experimenting with ratios and levels of barium and cesium in conjuction with cadmium....the doses were at such high levels that many contracted what is known as morgellans disease and they are suffering greatly. we advise to bathe with the acv and baking soda to nuetralize the pain and the spread of the bacterium. it will not eradicate the effect but it will greatly help.
we also advise those with small children who suffer from asthma to increase their use of pure ozonated water in conjuction with zeolites or some other similar water enhancer/detoxer/purifier. these zeolites as we have mentioned before have mineral compounds which attach themselves to the harmful chemicals and then the chemicals become inert or they become in essence unharmful to the human body. they are affordable and easy to find. their use will greatly  help in the effort to boost your immune system  during these times of constant exposure to toxins through the use of systematic chem trails, vaccines, antibiotics, gmo's, and additives and preservatives in your foods. you are being given an onslaught of chemical concoctions and your body will at some stage signal to you when it has had too many and can not handle the load. you need to pay attention to your bodies signals and be as proactive in your efforts to combat them as possible. 

how is this ALL going to end? we understand the importance of your question...we understand that your mind can not conceptualize how this beast will collapse from power and with it everything that the beast has set into motion. it will take the full cooperation of the masses of awakened humans together in great numbers to say NO to this way of life. say NO to the vaccines, say NO to the GMO'S say NO to all of the ways in which this beast is inflicting pain and suffering and keeping the human race from advancing and being free to choose their destiny. when the mass consciousness of the planet raises to a significant level where the majority of the earth is ready for uprisal and ready for action, then the beast will retreat in fear of being exposed. for true exposure would mean that the greater plans for universal takeover would be sacrificed. you see, the intelligence is considering still the greater plan. it will subdue and surrender knowing that it can continue to seek power and fuel from other sources. it will not continue to the death. this would be futile. it will continue until enough awareness has swept over the planet and enough people are ready to retaliate in an effort to save what remains of their blessed planet and themselves. we can not promise you that outside saviors will supercede the actions of the humans themselves. we can assure you they are playing a role and they are here to help and are helping...but they will not be the ones to play the role of hero. 
what about prime creator directive? walkins? 
in regards to what you mention, we would say that everything will have its role and part. everything will play a major role even those who are unaware that they have a role will be pivotol in the grand scheme of things. it is all accounted for and all will converge at the precise moment to take back what has been destroyed and restore it for future generations and future planetary hosts. I too have had my role and will continue to serve in this role in full respect and honor and love for all that is of true light and love and my service to the one will always be eternal and infinite. however, my role as host to this planetary body will also be passed on as another so willingly comes in and allows for me to return to the place in which my heart is drawn to. it will be momentous. all will feel the reverberations of love and joy throughout the cosmos and beyond. 

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