Saturday 22 February 2014



this subject is one of great importance for all of human kind. there has been much manipulation of our genetic structure by way of vaccine schedules and by way of problem reaction solution strategies to induce such requirements into your much accepted societal norms. we will explain. first and foremost, however, we must give much background as this background will pave the way for a much broader and realistic understanding of the current situation regarding vaccines and why they are used in such a fashion. 

you were designed as a human being with your original 12 stranded blueprint and your original chakric system fully intact and all of your pieces and parts unharmed and untainted. this design would have given you all the necessary components that you would have needed to ward off any pathogens or viruses or bacteria that could have posed a threat to your biological system. however, when the first takeover of earth was underway there was much genetic manipulation and gene alterations taking place to create certain various slave races and to alter the core design of the earth human. while this was occurring there were several off planet races that were here doing massive experimentation upon the core genetic structure and design of the earth human. their agenda and plan was to create a subhuman race which carried most of the core design traits but they wanted to eliminate the design traits that were responsible for higher intelligence, superior health, light and code activation simulation, and many other traits. they essentially stripped the blueprint down to its base elements or design codes and created a race of docile and emotionally driven humans who were no longer connected to their multidimensionality or superior race qualities which were part of their original intent and purpose. Once the subhuman race was complete and the new blueprint was implicated and the race was well under way, those who were responsible for the design felt it was also necessary to introduce several strains of harmful bacterium into the system of earth in an effort to weaken the immune systems of those present on the planet at the time. those who were initially exposed to these strains of bacterium would suffer through years of bodily illnesses and their immune systems were drastically effected by the years of constant exposure to various off world strains which were brought in from places with a track record of infectious disease and ill health. in this effort to weaken the immune system of all earth humans there was also another agenda simultaneously going on and that was the introduction of certain viruses into the system of earth as these viruses would spread rather quickly and become part of the genetic structure of this new weakened immune system. the purpose of this was two fold, one they wanted to create a weak and docile slave race and two they wanted to create a race with weaknesses so this race would rely on the help of others to be able to survive and remain in a state of decent health. the health standards of humans were drastically altered once their original blueprint had been manipulated and stripped down. they no longer had the abundance of higher light frequencies streaming through their energetic channels and they no longer had the biological advantages that were originally intended to keep them in a superior state of health and well being. 
so now there existed a slave race of 'earth humans' stripped down to their basic and most simplistic design features and they were being exposed to an onslaught of external off world strains of bacterium and viruses. these viruses would make their way into the human body and essentially implant itself within the genetic structure of that individual which then allowed it to be passed on to others of its generational inheritance. these viruses served to make these humans more desperate and more depressed as a state of ill health and low quality of life led to almost complete annihilation of the race altogether. however, this plan would have then failed had they allowed complete annihilation of the race, so they then created what is known as vaccines to lessen the impact of these introduced strains into the human system. the vaccines were designed to curb the rapid spread of these viruses and to keep the race alive to some extent as this was a much prized and rewarding slave race who were helping build massive colonies and empires for the beast and his minions. the beast was well aware that the slave race needed a decent quality of life to prevent complete depression and die off. the beast was well aware of the emotional nature of the earth human and thus needed to create a sense of happiness among the humans...a sence of purpose and well being. without this the average human could not summon the desire to continue to serve in such a way. 
so THAT is a general and summarized background to the history and birth of the original vaccine. these vaccines were not orginally designed to harm, however, things have drastically changed over the several thousands of years and where we are now is a completely different place and their agendas regarding vaccines have also completely changed to support the current situation. 
the current situation is as follows...we have a slave race consisting of 'earth human', 'earth human mixed with reptillian', 'earth human mixed with galactic superior race genetics', 'earth human mixed with alpha draconian genetics', 'earth human mixed with other dominant races among this galaxy', and 'earth human that is a blend of many of the orginal races but stripped of its orginal blueprint attributes'. all of these different races serve an entirely different purpose and are driven by entirely different agendas. 

there are some who only live to see the world returned to its original utopic design and their life mission is to bring about this reality in every waking moment--these we would refer to as the earth human mixed with the superior galactic races. they are here in large numbers to bring about rapid and prominant changes to the greater world scene. some would refer to them as star seeds. 

others who are more connected to the reptillian and alpha draconian blood lines and genetics are here to serve the beast and are here to be a part of the oppressive and controlling races who live to seek power and remain in control of other subraces. they are competitive in nature and their emotions differ drastically to that of an eath human lacking their particular genetics. they are here to dominate the scene and be part of the forces that continue to reign supreme with their brute force and lack of respect for free will and sovereignty. they are viscious in nature and very drawn to clubs and groups for personal interation. within these clubs/groups they like to practice daily or monthly rituals and this is in fact an aspect of their genetic makeup. they are much drawn to ritual of any kind but especially ritual in which a supreme being is payed homage to and they often sacrifice other subraces as an offering to this supreme being. it is entirely different and opposing to the design and motivations of the original earth human and these two dominant races are  living side by side on one planetary body within one planetary system and there is much chaos and much suffering. this has been a problem of great proportions for far too long. these two races have hijacked a planet that was never meant to host such a species. this planets intention and purpose was to host the orginal sacred blueprint of the divine earth human and there was never meant to be such distortion and take over. war was never part of the original design for this quadrant of the galaxy. war was not planned for and therefore this is why there was never a major force of retaliation that was implemented to ward off these races and reclaim our planet and our orginal race. 

so currently we have a host of several differing genetic structures and human designs all sharing one planet and all entirely different from one another. however, the beast is well aware of WHO IS HERE AND HOW THEY OPERATE. he has taken notes and he has devised a plan so as to combat the many potentials that he would consider a threat. one of those plans was to revise the vaccine agenda. in so doing he would create certain vaccine combinations that would result in the lowering of certain gene potentials and eliminating certain others so as to not allow for some of the superior races to excel and retaliate. the gene potential in which we speak of are the ones responsible for higher intelligence and advanced problem solving abilities. the aim was to subdue or limit these gene expressions. in so doing, the races exposed to these vaccines would essentially be made into more desirable candidates for life upon this planet. it is a masterminded plan to eliminate the threat of uprisal and deactivate certain genes from becoming a future threat. we see the current situation with vaccines as an overall attempt to keep the many races at bay...keep them in a state of decent health and well being but attempt to remove any threats that may be a potential problem. this is why you see such a push for mandated or required vaccines. it is an agenda so that as many people as possible are exposed to the combinations that are within these vaccines. if there are people who do not recieve them then they essentially become unaccounted for and could be a bad bug without proper supervision they could develop into a threat. 
we will continue and address other vaccine related topics such as autism and others. the vaccines are designed in laboratories which are funded by special interest groups and groups who essentially are paying homage to the beast. it is not always known or discussed within their closed doors but we assure you that these vaccines are not designed by nuetral parties without supervision. the conditions for the design of these vaccines is rather stringent with many supervisors maintaining strict conditions and those who do the work are merely following orders. everything is passed down from higher and higher places among the pecking order and eventually a lab technician will put the actual ingrediants into the vaccine to then be distributed to the masses through strict and accounted for distribution channels. it is not something that is much discussed in the public eye ...however the public gladly accepts the vaccine with much appreciation as they are under the assumption it will 'help' them and be of service to the greater good as they think it will help stop the spread of disease. many will never question or personally investigate who or what has gone into the vaccines. many will not even wonder if they actually need it as they are a race designed and manipulated to accept orders and be complacent. complacency is the main goal as this will mean they are happy enough to continue life but complacent enough to not ask too many questions or wonder about why things are a certain way. it is this attribute of complacency within the newly altered earth human that has allowed for this complete take over to occur without failure for thousands of years. 
yes there are harmful substances within the design and components of the vaccines. these substances are designed to stimulate your immune system for certain biological responses. for instance when you are given a vaccine and it contains  formaldehyde or mercury your body will then immediately react to these harsh and harmful chemical agents and create a panic mode or fight or flight to activate the release of certain hormones and these hormones are beneficial to those who serve the beast ....these hormones activate the primal drive within them and therefore stimulate their desire to serve and stimulate their desire for sex and aggression.  that is why we stated the many different races on the planet at this time as all are accounted for in this agenda. the slave races are vast and widespreasd and each one reacts differently to the same vaccine. if you are one who has the genetics of the reptillian races then you are more prone to be violent and react with fear and aggression in the days and months following the vaccine. this is desirable for those who serve the beast and for those who serve the forces of darkness on this planet. if you however are one who has the altered earth human genetics mixed with the dominant races among this glalxy then you would essentially experience very little change and perhaps may feel a bit sick and fatigued following the administering of the vaccine into your bloodstream. we would say at this time the majority of the planet are of this design. they are docile and complacent and desire love and happiness. they are inately quick to respond to orders and quick to follow blindly accepting the constructs of this reality without too much inquisition. these groups are not entirely a very happy bunch but they are happy enough to continue with the status quo. in fact it stirs them up a bit and they become quite uncomfortable when someone elicits a sense of curiosity in them about the true nature of reality or someone nudges them to seek beyond their zone of current accepted awareness. this is displeasing to them and they wish not to be uneasy. this was part of their design when they were altered thousands of years ago.  
now as far as autism goes we would like to reserve another session to expand upon the many details regarding this occurance and how it has been introduced into your earth human genetics but we would also like to say that it can and is in some cases a result of the exposure to certain vaccines among certain children. this is not the case for most but it can be the case for a select few. the vaccine concoctions are made of several severe mind altering nuerotoxic substances and not all children react well to the exposure to these. there are several who can not handle such extremes in their brain and therefore their brain shuts down and creates a flight or fight response resulting in autism. 
much more needs to be discussed in terms of this disorder however we will save it for another session. 

we would like to advise those seeking further information regarding vaccines to please look into the great many natural earth supplied elements and healing herbs that are available today to combat the many viruses and bacteria that could pose a threat to your health. there are many naturally sponsored healing remedies and preventatives that are and have always been available to you so that you can take your health into your own hands and not rely on others to protect you from these threats. there are also incredibly effective machines and devises on the market today in which you can use on your children and elderly and yourselves to prevent and cure just about any ailment known to man within a matter of months or days. these devises are known to some as gentle microcurrents or frequency transmitters. you can purchase them at low cost and be confident that no vaccine will be the answer to you or your families health. if you have already received  vaccines as most have do not be sad or regrettful as this is what is and your body is still your sacred vessel however take this knowledge and impower yourself and others for any and all future decisions you may make regarding anything it vaccines, food, water, products, and the likes. we need to begin to question and to take matters into our own hands with personal conviction and personal investigation. do not rely on the masses to make your decisions. question why things are in a state of disharmony  and imbalance. question why your leaders do not disclose facts and are not transparent. why must you live in world tainted with lies and corruption and fraudulent behavior being  rewarded while heroes who step forward are shunned and persecuted? please take responsilbility for yourself as this is what each human needs to do and then as a whole we will step out of this fog and be rid of this beast but for now it will take time to process the flow of absolute data and truth that is being revealed and create a new sense of self one who is ready to reclaim true freedom and sovereignty and one who is ready to SEE THE TRUTH FOR WHAT IT IS and from there we can step into our power and be a force of unified light and love for all to see and respect. so be it. with love respect and honor in my heart i bow to each and every one of you as you are each representations of the divine spark of light that pervades this universe and beyond and your efforts are each and everyone of you appreciated beyond your ability to discern or conceptualize. we stand with you on this journey and are always here to help and give council and guidance as we are your earth mother and our love for you is infinite and immeasurable.

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