Saturday 22 February 2014

The Chakras and Reiki

chakras and reiki

this is a topic of great interest among your new age and lightworker communities. it will stir many minds and create much confusion and reaction and it will also create much acceptance as what we offer is based on the facts from our perspective and what we are able to see is beyond the scope of human perspective. we are able to see the records and we are able to see beyond the constructs and limitations of time and space. we have access to the great many levels and layers of this universal construct. that which you term dimensions are not just dimensions they are multifaceted designs of conscious reality matrices and time and space paradigms. we are able to see who and what resides in each of these layers and matrices and we are able to see forward and backward and through these dimensions so as to not miss anything that may be lurking in a hidden space. 
we can tell you that your human chakra system was in fact part of your original design and was part of your original blueprint. however, as is the case with most of the original blueprint, it has been severely manipulated and interfered with. it has been entirely hijacked and in some cases has been infiltrated to funnel energies to the engine that runs the beast. this does not sound pleasant and we wish not to create fear or panic but we do wish to present the facts and the truth as we see it. 
there are a great many lightworkers and others who are not considered lightworkers who have been part of a plan to siphon off their energy to a great many networks of energetic tunnels all designed to catch and filter and store this energy as a way of keeping stores of energy for times of need or for future experimentation. if you are one who has been chosen for this, you would perhaps feel as though you are very sensitive to your surroundings. anything and everything could set you off or put you into a state of highs or lows. it is this high or low energy that is what they are after. they are not  after those who do not exibit this emotional response. if you are one who has been offering energy to this machine you can reverse this and take back your energy. it will take commitment and research and a passion for your sovereignty and free will. you will need to reclaim what is rightfully yours and command to reverse such hijacking of your chakras. this method is and will be successful depending on your conviction and confidence and representation of your SOVEREIGN I AM SELF. there are many others who are poised to help in this fashion and who have taken on such work for themselves as well. you can speak to certain groups and see if anyone has had to do this and see if help can be extended to you. however, we warn that this is not something anyone can do for you this is something that will only work if the will and conviction comes from YOU.
as for the great many who have tried to remove their chakras, we advise against this as this is actually as aspect of your sacred divine blueprint and your chakras serve a unique and wonderful purpose given that they have not been entirely hijacked from those who serve the beast. We understand why you would want to remove them as they are no longer serving their original purpose but the effect of removing them is far more detrimental than that of going into your heart space and reclaiming the restoration of your original divine blueprint to be fully and completely restored under the laws of this universe in accordance with all that serves true light and love and with the full support and assistance of those who wish to preserve sovereignty and free will rights and liberties in this universe. your divine blueprint needs to be restored back to its original design. 
we would advise each individual who is concerned with this issue to go within the sacred space of their heart and activate from within them their true and mightly I AM self and from that state of being and essence you can reclaim and change and restore all the ways in which the forces of control and domination have interfered with your biological and energetic design. it is time to realize who you are and to realize what internal powers you possess. when you each come into your power is when things will begin to rapidly shift on this planet. we need each of you to spread this contagious personal empowerment to your friends and family and stand strong in your convictions and your true light will blast through and expose the truth for all to see. 
as this relates to your practice of the healing art of reiki...we would like to preface by stating that many who practice this art are in fact true and authentic healers and are in fact accessing and transmitting beneficial frequencies of light and healing codes. however, some in their practice are accessing realms of light which are what we would refer to as false light realms. these realms are designed to add fuel to the engine that runs the beast. these false light realms are in place so as to have a piece of the pie from all angles and aspects and polarities of this dimension and beyond. those who are accessing this realm are those who are engaged in the programs of false light. there are many false light programs currently being run. of which, are the false light of the violet flame of saint germain or the false light of the blue sword of archangel michael. yes these do also have their true light representations, however, there are few who are accessing the true representations of these. for the most part, the lightworker community is deeply entrenched in the false light paradigm and those who are accessing this  realm in their reiki practice are in fact adding fuel to the beast and performing something that is exact opposite from their true intention. what we can say to shed more light on how to uncover the subtleties of this false light trick is that the light that is external from your being is unnecessary. all the true authentic universal light you could ever dream of is sourced from within your sacred heart portal. it is this portal from which your healing light source is waiting for you to tap into. it is from within this portal that you can access all the healing streams of light you could ever desire for yourself or for anyone you may want to work on. your hands are merely the transmitters of this energy and your hands are what allow for this energy to be released from your energetic meridians and streams or channels. 
the reiki itself was a representation of true light and love in this universe. it is a sacred and adored practice that has spread far and wide among this universe. however, those who want to remain in power and control have learned to use and abuse all that which serves true light and create ways in which to manipulate these representations for their own benefit. the symbols remain sacred and the symbols have not been hijacked. there is no reason to remove the reiki symbols or undo the initiation...we only advise that you pay close attention to how you practice. what programs if any are you a part of. what groups or meditations do you regularly attend or practice. bring this to your awareness and this should shed light on how you are using your reiki channels. 

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